Pickslanting Primer
The Pickslanting Primer is Cracking the Code’s comprehensive guide to developing clean, accurate picking technique.
It is evidence-based, and derived from our groundbreaking slow-motion interviews with celebrated players. These interviews revealed, in some cases for the first time anywhere, the remarkable mechanical adaptations that great players make to get from one string to another with a pick. In doing this work, we standardized concepts like escape motion and pickslanting, which practically redefined how picking technique is understood, studied, and taught. If you’ve heard these terms in use, they were created here.
The techniques in the Primer are continually tested and updated through extensive Technique Critique teaching with awesomely dedicated learners from around the world. In the Primer you’ll learn about:
- Unlocking your true maximum efficiency and speed
- Using escape motion for clean string changes
- Different joint motions and their capabilities
- The influence of mechanics on musical vocabulary and improvisation
- Notable players and how their techniques work
- Mechanics for specific musical styles, from bluegrass to metal
…and more. If you’re ready, let’s get started!
There are two great ways to watch: