Andy Wood Electric Workshop
This was a live event on March 28, 2018 3:00 PM EDT

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HI Andy. Did you hit any dead ends or plateaus that you stuck at for a while (months/years), before finding the missing piece of the jigsaw? I got stuck for (many!) years with inaccurate picking technique until seeing Troy's insight (I'm about the same as as him), wondering if you had any issues or if it's been plain sailing most of the way?
Come and sit down with the amazing Andy Wood in the Cracking the Code studio as we take an up-close look at his impossibly great electric guitar picking technique.
Andy is a total textbook for wrist “deviation” playing, especially when it comes to upward pickslanting, and what we in Cracking the Code call “primary up” two-way pickslanting. Andy is aware of these movements as a difference in feel that he engages as the phrase requires.
In this broadcast, we try and get to the bottom of these feels in mechanical terms, and understand the arm position and anchoring setup, muting contact points, and choice of string tracking movements Andy uses to make it all work.