Contest registration is now closed! Thanks so much for the interest everyone. We’ll be announcing winners this week.
It’s that time of year! And in honor of this season of gluttony and hedonism, Cracking the Code is giving away — not one — but two Masters in Mechanics seminars.
Antigravity and Inside the Volcano deliver over 5 hours of our pioneering investigation of picking technique. Even more fun than egging your neighbor’s house!
Inside the Volcano is a deep examination of Yngwie’s picking strategy. We completely deconstruct his integrated technique, with its ingenious and powerful combination of sweeping and alternate picking. Antigravity opens up a world of upward pickslanting, two-way pickslanting, and three-note-per-string scale playing. We perform a complete analysis of the Batio/Gilbert style of alternate picking, and take a trip through the storied picking techniques of Al DiMeola, John McLaughlin, and more.
Both seminars also include a course packet filled with examples of painstakingly played, filmed, and transcribed licks that you can download and use forever.
For a chance to win, just enter your email address in the box at the top of this post. Note that you must enter by midnight this Sunday night (Nov. 2). We’ll notify the two winners early next week.
As part of the bargain, we’ll also be adding you to our mailing list. But don’t worry, we put a tremendous amount of time and thought into everything we produce, and only send out one or two high-quality mailers per month.
As a thank-you for signing up, we’ll be sending you a free download of slow-motion video and tablature for our awesome Season 2 Intro Solo. If you’re coming from YouTube and just now finding our website — we post a lot of cool content to our blog, and the mailing list is the best way to find out about all our new material.