Clips (64)

2nps Downstroke


2nps Upstroke


Altered Scale Bop


Angular Thang


Arpeggio Dom11


Arpeggio Maj


Arpeggio Maj7 - tk1


Arpeggio Maj7 - tk2


Arpeggio Maj7 Two Positions


Arpeggio Maj7#5 - tk1


Arpeggio Maj7#5 - tk2


Arpeggio Maj Demonstration


Arpeggio Maj Shift


Arpeggio Min9 3oct Asc


Arpeggio Min9 3oct Asc-Desc


Arpeggio Min9 3oct Desc - tk1


Arpeggio Min9 3oct Desc - tk2


Arpeggio Min11 - tk1


Arpeggio Min11 - tk2


Arpeggio Min11 Moderate - tk1


Arpeggio Min11 Moderate - tk2


Arpeggio Min13


Chromatic Asc Downstroke


Chromatic Desc Downstroke Swipe


Chromatic Desc Upstroke


Circular Bop


Diatonic Sevenths


Diatonic Sevenths Inversion


Diatonic Triads


Diminished Cycle Triads


Downstroke Strut


Fours Asc


Fours Desc


Fours Desc Arpeggio


Green Dolphin Street


Jimmy's Blues


Jimmy's Sweep


Jimmy's Sweep + Scale


Moody Melody


Parker's Pet - tk1


Parker's Pet - tk2


Parker's Pet Positions


Parker's Pet Picked


Pedal Bounce


Pedal Swipe


Pentatonic 2Wps


Scale 3nps Sweep - tk1


Scale 3nps Sweep - tk2


Scale Diminished


Scale Maj Halves


Scale Maj - tk1


Scale Maj - tk2


Scale Maj Desc Downstroke


Scale Maj Desc Upstroke


Scale Maj Desc Upstroke Moderate


Scale Maj Diminished


Sixths With Steps


Thirds Bop Chromatic


Thirds Desc Downstroke


Thirds Diminished Asc


Thirds Downstroke Asc


Thirds Upstroke Asc


Thirds With Steps


Where's The Pick