Masters in Mechanics Video Series!
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Antigravity: By Demand, On-Demand!
Our acclaimed Masters in Mechanics seminars are now an amazing monthly video series! And we’re jumpstarting the series with our incredible 4-hour Antigravity lecture.
The extensive Antigravity investigation is organized into 25 chapters, and includes a course pack of 70+ slow-mo videos with tablature and insanely detailed performance notes.
Delivering Antigravity live was an amazing way to develop the seminar. But as Troy began staggering into the office baggy-eyed and delirious from marathon four-hour sessions, only to read piles of emails from viewers who couldn’t make the seminar, but still wanted to watch it. It was clear there were still plenty of viewers we’d never be able to fit onto our calendar.
So, with dozens of Antigravities under our belt, we began translating the many live versions of Antigravity to an accessible video version, and we’re thrilled with how it’s turned out.
Cracking the Code: Farther, Better, Faster, Longer
But the new, more accessible Antigravity lecture isn’t the only thing we’re excited to announce. We’re also introducing the Masters in Mechanics Video Series — a new subscription option that delivers an awesome new advanced lecture every month. This is an incredible resource for guitar analysis, and an incredible value.
You want more — and we heard you. The Masters in Mechanics Series will allow us to make even more great stuff, and get it to you faster. One thing we learned from delivering the live seminars is that there’s a ton of interest in super high nutritional content, targeted seminar-style investigation.
What’s Coming Next?
Leveraging the speed of the seminar format, we can deliver a new investigation each month, on a range of fascinating topics that merge the musical with the mechanical.
Of course, the studio version of Inside the Volcano, our exhaustive live seminar on the Yngwie picking strategy, is coming up next. It’s the ultimate foundation for understanding not just Yngwie but legendary downward pickslanters like George Benson, Eric Johnson, and so many others. In Death by Sequence, we’ll tackle the always-thorny fundamental units of fretboard sequencing, including threes, fours, fives, sixes, and more.
Sweeping is an enormously deep topic we’ve only touched upon in the Cracking the Code show. In our Masters in Mechanics sweeping seminar, Powers of Two we’ll investigate artful combinations of two-way sweeping, two-way pickslanting, and alternate picking, that empower the mind-boggling fretboard excursions of fusion masters like Frank Gambale and bop virtuosos like Jimmy Bruno. Check out the Masters in Mechanics page for even more detail.
And if there’s a topic you’d really like to see us tackle, by all means, feel free to send us your suggestions.