String Hop


I've been a member since December of 2022 and the forum members on the website have REALLY helped me navigate the website. You've got a helpful bunch of online guitarists on this here website, which is no small feat. Anyway, they directed me to a couple of your primer videos and I found one about testing motions with a two note per string pentatonic idea. Low and behold, I think I am experiencing string hopping when trying to play a simple pentatonic phrase. For years, I played my guitar without a pickguard. An old teacher got me into picking with forearm rotation and trying to float the right hand. A year ago I reinstalled my pickguard and decided to stop floating my right hand all the time. I don't have a smartphone--the internet can already be too addictive. Anyway, I tried to get some good angles of me picking on one string. I can upload more footage of how I play naturally. The string hopping happens most when I am nervous on stage at jams, even when tunes are called at slower tempos than I can play. That said, this two note pentatonic messed me up and really brought my string hopping to light. Let me know what you suggest. Warm Regards, Alex Link

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Closed on Mar 3, 2024 1:40 AM


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