I Can’t Do “RDT” and It’s V Annoying


I followed the RDT section of Picking Mechanics really closely, watching it multiple times. All my movements appear to mimic what is done by Troy. but when i start trem, you clearly see the pick rest on the string above and below it. but it doesn’t feel like this; in fact, it looks like it’s escaping from my point of view. and it also feels smooth! telling myself “okay so make it escape and don’t go side to side” doesn’t help. i can make it escape if i really pronate or go slowly but RDT at a respectable tempo doesn’t seem to be working. i feel like i understand all the points being made on an intellectual level but clearly something is wrong. rewatching the videos for the 4th time in the row doesn’t seem productive. do you need vids of my dimeola table movements? i tried to demonstrate some movements in the camera. fyi i can do floating wrist usx quite well with tremolo (gypsy jazz style; happy to prove that via video). however, i would like to focus on RDT (i can’t do dart thrower without getting double trapped on trem lines either..). i know you should go with the motion that works well for you but i’d like to branch out to RDT so would definitely would like to help cure the problem rather than avoid it. can you pleeeeease help?

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Closed on Jan 4, 2024 3:39 PM


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