Pentatonic Puzzle Pack

USD $0.00

Demonstrating two approaches to playing ascending pentatonic fours.

SKU: pentatonic-puzzle Category:


We gave everyone a cool little homework assignment: figure out how to play ascending pentatonic fours using the Yngwie and Eric Johnson downward pickslanting system.

Here’s an overview of the two main approaches to the problem, along with a couple demonstrations that apply these powerful mechanics to diminished and whole tone sounds in blues playing.

Here's an overview of what's included with the download. For more detail, check out the platform page!

Pentatonic Puzzle - The Power of Fours
Pentatonic Puzzle - The Power of Fours -
Pentatonic Puzzle - The Power of Fours - Clips -
Pentatonic Puzzle - The Power of Fours - Clips - Tablature -
Pentatonic Puzzle - The Power of Fours - Clips - Tablature -