
USD $79.00

Obsidian is the gateway to the dark art of extreme metal rhythm guitar. Abandon all hope ye who enter!

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Written, played, and hosted by John Taylor, Obsidian is a comprehensive and meticulously sequenced introduction to extreme metal rhythm guitar, from muting and downpicking, to foundational patterns like the gallop and reverse gallop. The seminar provides an in-depth exploration of John’s astounding hyperpicking technique, capable of alternate picking speeds exceeding 300 bpm sixteenth notes. This includes specific insights from John and Cracking the Code research to help you unlock this ability in your own playing.

The lessons are supported by four of John’s expertly crafted and seriously catchy full-length songs and etudes, and over 70 musical examples with tablature.

Here's an overview of what's included with the download. For more detail, check out the platform page!


Chapter 1 - What Is Extreme Metal?


Thrash Metal Etude
Death Metal Etude
Black Metal Etude
Pedal Point Etude
Obsidian - Song Tracks And Tablature.zip
Obsidian - Song Tracks And Tablature - Tablature - GP.zip
Obsidian - Song Tracks And Tablature - Tablature - PDF.zip


Chapter 1 - Downstroke Mechanics
Chapter 2 - Downpicking Patterns
Chapter 3 - Palm Mute Accents
Chapter 4 - Pedal Point Riffs
Obsidian - Downpicking Clips.zip
Obsidian - Downpicking Clips - Slow.zip
Obsidian - Downpicking Clips - Tablature - GP.zip
Obsidian - Downpicking Clips - Tablature - PDF.zip

Alternate Picking

Chapter 1 - Technique And Speed
Chapter 2 - Hyperpicking Mechanics
Chapter 3 - Tremolo Picking
Chapter 4 - Switching Strings
Chapter 5 - Chord Tremolo
Obsidian - Alternate Picking Clips.zip
Obsidian - Alternate Picking Clips - Slow.zip
Obsidian - Alternate Picking Clips - Tablature - GP.zip
Obsidian - Alternate Picking Clips - Tablature - PDF.zip

Core Rhythms

Chapter 1 - The Gallop
Chapter 2 - The Reverse Gallop
Chapter 3 - Mixed Gallops
Chapter 4 - Triplets
Chapter 5 - Sextuplets
Chapter 6 - Quarter Note Triplets
Obsidian - Core Rhythm Clips.zip
Obsidian - Core Rhythm Clips - Slow.zip
Obsidian - Core Rhythm Clips - Tablature - GP.zip
Obsidian - Core Rhythm Clips - Tablature - PDF.zip

Advanced Examples

Chapter 1 - Advanced Triplet Tremolo
Chapter 2 - Pedal Point 16ths
Obsidian - Advanced Clips.zip
Obsidian - Advanced Clips - Slow.zip
Obsidian - Advanced Clips - Tablature - GP.zip
Obsidian - Advanced Clips - Tablature - PDF.zip